Mistletoe Mulled Wine


Our December Dinner Club was held at Tracy’s home this year.  Starting the evening, she served Mistletoe Mulled Wine to the guests in a beautiful stemmed glass coffee mug.  She then poured the wine after it was done in a silver coffee pourer for all to share.

I’ve had mulled wine before and thought it was okay.  Taking a sip of this warm, soothing, holiday bowl was really like no other I had tasted.  It was very good and the flavors perfectly represented everything Christmas.  I actually had seconds!  She gave me the recipe and now I share it with you.

½ C Sugar
¼ C Water
2 Orange Slices
6 Cloves
2 Cinnamon Sticks
½ C.  mixed Pineapple, Orange, and Banana juice from concentrate  (or you can use orange juice)

Using a saucepan, add sugar through cinnamon sticks.  Boil 5 minutes.  Stir in orange juice and one bottle of Bordeaux.  Warm again.  Remove solids.  Serve warm and enjoy with friends.



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